YAWP! Cyclery's Essential Photos
Yawp Cyclery
We’ve taken a lot of photographs over the years, so we thought we might select our favorite 10 and post them. Overachievers that we are, we’ve posted closer to forty. That might be too many, but we don’t care. We had a ton of fun looking through all of these pictures, and who are we to deprive you of having a ton of fun, too?
I think either Rebecca or I took all of the pictures below. If the pictures are any good, they’re Rebecca’s. As far as I can recall, the only photo we didn’t take is of the Tunnel of Stoke during the Randonee-nae. That was taken by Kevin McDonough. If we stole other photos, it was inadvertent. Please notify me and we’ll credit you.
Speaking of which, we know you’ve taken some incredible pictures on our rides, too. Please send us a few of your favorites to be featured on our next blog post. You have until Sunday, November 18th to submit them. Photos and videos both are allowed. We might even have a prize for our favorite photo that you submit. The only requirement for your submissions is that they have something to do with Yawp! Send your photos to yawp at yawpcyclery dot com.
The first picture below is how Yawp! looked before we opened. The shop looks a little better now, but it’s still just sticks and concrete. Those things aren’t important. Those materials are not the shop. The shop is you. The shop is all of the fun things we’ve done together, and will do together in the future. Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures of everything, or everybody. If you don’t see yourself, I’m sorry. We still love you.