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2521 Sheridan Blvd.
Edgewater, CO 80214

(303) 232-3165

We love riding in the dirt and on pavement, and we respect and service all bikes. We are overjoyed to see you on a bicycle and will do everything we can to keep you rolling. We also sell Surly, Salsa, and Fairdale bikes (because they are rad).

Rides + Events Calendar

Yawp Cyclery events and community bicycle rides.

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Anniversary/Housewarming Party

Yawp! is turning two years old, and we've recently moved into a new home as well. All of that means there's been too much work and too little play. Please come help us celebrate.

When? 5:30 - 9pm

Where? 2521 Sheridan Blvd.

Bottom Bracket to perform around 7:30. Yeah!

There may be a few snacks available. 

How time flies!

How time flies!